Always circular, mandalas are symbols of ritual and spirituality, unity and harmony. Found throughout the world, they draw us in and remind us that we are all connected. Like all mandalas, each of mine tells a story. They tell of the times we live in, our cracks and breaks, our lost and found and our hopes and dreams. They invite us to fall into the present. Let go. Find our center. And, our beauty.
Thank you Var Gallery & Studios for giving me the opportunity to share more about my mandalas and the stories they tell. And to my family, friends, and community, please take a virtual tour and/or book your appointment to see my mandalas and the rest of the show in person now:)
30 Artists|30 Days|30 Works. I love this show and know you will too. Please support local art and businesses. Stay healthy. Take care of yourself, your neighbors and community. And hold on tight to the bits of magic and joy that are a part of every day.
#30x30x30exhibition2020 #vargallery #artexhibition #30works30days #originalart #handdrawn #mandalas #eastmeetswest #supportlocalartists #milwaukee #artist #writer #storyteller