Two years ago I wrote down these three words knowing that this is the direction I wanted to go— to marry my art and storytelling with the advocate I have always been. I have written down these three words almost as a mantra, often interchanging the word advocacy with activism, somewhere, someplace almost every day since. And that is what I have slowly been working towards. I began the process of reactivating my law license, became a volunteer at the Milwaukee Justice Center, and continued to create art & tell stories about the times we live in, the human spirit, and my own culture and journey as a brown, immigrant woman. I have had many stops and starts. And have often felt like giving up. But today, I am a little bit closer than I was yesterday. Today, my brand new website & collection of tees, tanks & sweatshirts featuring my original, hand drawn designs and the stories they tell is LIVE:)!
In remembrance of all those lost and affected by gun violence and police brutality and in celebration of the 100th year anniversary of the passage of the 19th amendment granting women the right to vote, the 57th anniversary of the March on Washington where Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech, and the Me Too, Black Lives Matter, and LGBTQ+ Movements, I am launching my newest collection of tees, tanks, and sweatshirts— a call-to-action to raise our voices, be heard and VOTE in honor of all of those who sacrificed so much so that we can.
Thank you Robert Sturman for the photographs. I loved this day with you:)
#calltoaction #vote #newcollection #originalart #originalstories #handrawn #designs #womensrighttovote #100years #votingrightsactof1965 #metoo #lgbtq #blacklivesmatter #martinlutherkingjr #ihaveadream #marchonwashington #57years #alwaysremember #history #protest #democracy #artist #writer #storyteller.