i met them as i have met so many…over a hot cup of chai
stephane and antoine
there was something about the way they movedthe clothes they worethat i knew they were not from herewhen i asked where they were from“france” was their answerwhen i asked why they were herethey gave me one of my most favorite of answers“the lakes”
they had taken the time so many of us closer by have notto travel one of nature’s greatest and most beautiful of resourcessuperior, ontario, huron, erie, and michiganthe lakes,our lakes
handsome and kindbags at their sidewe spoke for too short a timebut just enough to leave their mark
gracious and openthey said goodbyewith the warmest of hugs, the kindest of wordsand a promise to share more of their story
later, i would find their notes
“thank you for this awesome cup of tea” “thanks so much for this moment of joy.”… Read the rest “Episode 1. What can happen over a hot cup of chai.”