It is easy to get lost in the majesty of the Pfister. In its leather and gold. Imported marbles and stained glass. Carved wood and wrought iron. Arresting art and cozy fireplaces.
This is what they talk about when I ask them about the Pfister. Why they stay. And why they keep coming back.
Its architecture and design. Legacy and history. Its people. Welcomes them in a warm embrace.
The lobby lounge is elegant and inviting. The cafe bright and easy. And Blu, nestled high in the sky overlooking the waters of Lake Michigan, opulent and chic.
Sometimes a meeting place. Sometimes a destination. Quiet and loud. The Pfister is for the homebound and traveler. For the business partner and bride. For those who are near and those who are far.
I love the energy here. And the anticipation of arriving. Finding my way from the winding and turning of the parking garage to the still silence of the elevators. Walking past the artist studio to the lobby lounge and bar. Noticing them checking in. And waiting. I wonder where are they coming from and where are they going? Are they here for the first time? Or returning?
As I settle into my seat in the lobby lounge and the bartender (or server) has made sure I have everything I need, I notice a shift. I have found my place. And so have they. Those coming and going. Those new and old. We have found our way. To the familiar and unfamiliar. To the past and the present. To the luxurious and welcoming. To our home away from home.