These muddy waters…

 The lotus flower.
 Its beauty iconic.
 Grows in the muddiest of waters.
 Yet remains unstained, divine and pure.
 Teaching us that we too can rise above, grow and blossom.
 Even in our own muddy waters.


In 2016, I found myself in a kind of self-imposed quarantine from the frenetic pace of what my every-day-life had become at the time— exhibiting & selling my art at shows big and small, here and on the road. Caught up in the business of selling, I had lost sight of my purpose, joy, and self.

Now as I find myself in the midst of this government-imposed kind-of quarantine, I cannot help but look back at my own quarantine & what came after— a book of and from my heart. Like many things in my life, this book took form in stops and starts—  small accidents of fate, circumstance, luck, friendship, inspiration, wonder and intention.

And so as I look back, I look forward to when this is all over. And trust that what will come after, will come from my heart. After many stops and starts. By accident and with some luck. Out of hope and despair. Solitude and friendship. Inspiration and wonder. And, with intention.


My First Book